Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Well here we are in Feb already and ive had to friends that i need to update my blog more often so im going to commit to get on here more often i need to take the time (Thanx Courtney) . I want to tell Sarah right now thanx for all u did for me at the wedding it will forever mean more then u will ever know. To take the time out of ur birthday to come and be beside a friend who would not have made it through without u. Thanx so much u have my admiration forever. Also there are a few others that i want to take the time to thank publicly also. Like Kim Wood And her gorgeous girls i will always love u u have been so much like my family forever. Danae for taking the pics and video i love u for ur willingness to help at the drop of a hat. my Aunt Judy And My Favorite Cousin Jammie and her daughter Jordan for being wonderful helping out. (Jordan I Hope that u will get well soon from ur surgery ur in my thoughts. my brother and sister in law Tommy and Debbie for always being there for our family and helping always and their beautiful daughter who was Jessica bridesmaid/maid of honor. Marie we love u. To my mom and my sister for making the trip here twice that week so they could be here and help us. well i will be back soon to write about some other things soon. So till then may the sun shile on ur face and the wind always at ur back. 

Sunday, January 11, 2009

To My Jessica

Well here we are the 11th of Jan and we have 13 days to go till our event of the year. Our daughter is getting married .. I feel really bad because I'm such a procrastinator were trying to drastically pull this thing together .So in 7 days we have done flowers, tuxes, dresses, favors, food, place to hold it, invitations, And through all the rushing i've enjoyed it all. I think planning parties is what i really enjoy. I've been told that i should do it for a living i would love to. anyway I am writing to thank Jessie for the opportunity to help her with this . I love her and wish her a lifetime of happiness and joy. I hope as she moves forward into this step in life that she remembers how much she is loved and how proud i am of her. Jessica u have become such a Beautiful woman and I'm glad my life was touched by yours and i will forever be touched by your understanding nature and your beauty that radiates from the inside out. Congratulations Jessica may your day be all u wish it to be and more. And i hope that i can play a small part in helping that happiness along......

Saturday, December 27, 2008

And Breathe

so here we are the 27th and the christmas high is starting to wear off thank goodness. except the new wii has not been turned off (save it be while we sleep) and I'm sure if they could play it then they would lol. now comes the time that i start reflecting on the past year. i want to sit and reflect upon those things i am grateful for.........

1) A family that loves me
2) some of the best friends that roam the planet.... my angels who walk the earth.... I love u all.....
3)The fact i live in a country where we r free to do the things that make us us.
4) I'm grateful for my decision to make the steps needed to get to school.
5) For the time i am able to spend with family & friends and being able to build bonding      relationships that last forever.

Those are my top 5 things i guess at least in this very moment anyway.  I recently was contacted by an old friend and through discussions with her some very unpleasant memories bubbled to the top of my conscience . from where i obviously i buried it very deep. that may be the reason Im feeling so out of it. I don't know how to deal with this kind of hurt. Well I'm just mumbling now so for now i will go.....

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Hello well here it is christmas time and this whole holiday season has been a struggle for me . I have not felt the spirit much thats not saying at all that i have not been touched beyond measure . but I'm not sure that it is exactly the same. At least for me the spirit i usually feel is something on going and make me feel throughout the season joy and excitement for the upcoming surprises and love from family and friends. the being touched through all this. This year i was on the receiving end of many kind deeds. and i wish i could thank every person in person but the problem is this so many of them were done with that spirit in mind done only for the the joy of knowing that they have made someone's day brighter not for the glory of the spirt of bragging or saying how wonderful  they are but just simply because they are experiencing the holiday spirit. we also had some wonderful family members who have touched our hearts with there theory  that family takes care of family.... if u ever happen upon this blog and u have helped the Daley family please know that we love u and we hold u in our hearts now and will forever. and may all be blessed this holiday season.......